The actress, who became an international sensation in the '60s, has told PEOPLE magazine that her looks are 100% natural. "I don't believe in having work done, because then everybody looks the same," she says.
Huh? While I don't think she's had a lot of work done, to me she looks like she's had a facelift. Here are some signs:
1. There is a sweep to her jawline which is consistent with the sweep of a facelift.
2. Her jawline is unnaturally sharp and tight for a 75 year old woman.
3. Some photos of the undersurface of her neck show unevenness and dimpling similar to that seen with a facelift.
My feeling is, if you're not going to come clean and admit you've had work done, then that's your business. However, don't come out saying you haven't had work done when you have, since that's just being disingenuous. Just my humble opinion!
I like Jane Seymour. She's been very up front and nonapologetic about what she's had done. Plus, I like her in the cult classic Somewhere in Time.
Photo credit: In Your Face
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