Ashlee Simpson has recently commented to
US Magazine on her previous rhinoplasty. She stated:
"(Plastic surgery) is something that everybody should think about for a really long time. Once you know it's something you really feel comfortable with, then to each their own.
I was never really unhappy with how I looked, (and) I don't think I am more beautiful than I was (before). I just see the same old goofy girl I see every day."
I agree with her first statement, however I do believe her rhinoplasty helped bring out the more attractive features of her face, including her eyes, cheeks, and lips. This is a sign of a good rhinoplasty. It's nice that she sees herself as the same person. Good plastic surgery should not make a person look TOO different, only like a better version of themselves.
Now if only she could sing...
Photo credit: prphotos.comThanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
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