Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Send your DNA to Space and Represent Mankind

How do you like to send your DNA to space and represent the whole human race? That’s a unique concept, isn’t it? So you ask, is that possible? Well, I am not totally out of my mind. You can send your DNA to space and represent humanity through Operation Immortality: Leave your Mark. Save Humanity.. With your DNA in space you virtually live for eternity. How’s that? But only the best DNA’s get to be sent and saved.

You can have your various reasons why your DNA is worth to be sent to space. I have my reasons too. You can laugh at my reasons.Hahahah.. Here’s the video:

Ready to share your reasons as to why your DNA should be sent to space? Head on the the Operation Immortality Leave your mark, save humanity website. Also check out the new game Tabula Rasa by Richard Garriot. It’s a great fantasy game. You can download the free trial too.


Sponsored by Operation Immortality

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