Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Digital Makeover

Photography is something that I really love. I think many people like taking pictures of special places, special events and of special people, most especially now that digital cameras are not expensive at all and cellular phones have built in camera in them.

Roxio Extreme Digital Makeover, is a show that is dedicated to helping ordinary folks spice up their digital lives. So if you have this passion for anything digital you might as well pay attention to this show. There are two people to help you out. One is Zoey who is an expert at all things related to digital camera and most importantly in using digital photos to reinforce friends and family bond. Chris on the other hand, is more on the video side, like on how to create videos for special occasions, etc.

Roxio Extreme Digital Makeover encourages you to participate. Just join the contest. You learn and at the same time you can win prizes like HDTV, camera and other digital goodies.

So anyway, I like the episode about "A Walk in the Park". I embed the video so that you’ll have a peek of it.


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